Thursday, March 22, 2018

Turn Off Auto-Complete for all browsers

While we all love the auto-complete function on browsers, there may be a reason to turn it off.  Mainly, for security reasons, like on banking sites.

This is a hack and the only solution that will work on all browsers. 

Add the following to all fields that you don't want to auto-fill:

readonly onfocus="this.removeAttribute('readonly');" style="background-color:white;"

What happens is, when the page loads, the fields are read only. Once the user clicks on the field to enter a value, the readonly attribute is removed.

Now, an important part of this is to make sure you add a white background so the fields don't appear to be readonly.

That's it!


Thursday, March 8, 2018

How to keep a user's session alive

There may be instances where you need to keep a user's session alive. For example, your visitors need to take an hour long course, but the global session timeout is 30 minutes. You don't want the user's session to time out before they finish the course, right?

Here is a simple way to keep the session alive.

Add this script to the very top of the pages. Then, add a blank page in the same directory. Notice the bold red line below - I have a 'keep_alive.cfm" file in the same directory, which is accessed by the script which in turn keeps the session alive.

    var xmlhttp;
        function() {
            if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
                // code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
                xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
            } else {
                // code for IE6, IE5
                xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
  "POST", "keep_alive.cfm", true);
            xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
        }, 60000
); // 1 minute
