Saturday, November 5, 2011

Output 2 word columns

I am in the process of converting a classic ASP app into CF 9. On the backend, there are many large, complicated stored procs that are too complicated to edit in the little time that I have to complete this project.

One issue I ran into recently was creating reports in excel. The ASP app calls a stored proc which retrieves the columns headers as 2 words i.e. First Name, Last Name. This works properly in ASP but CF does not like two-word values in the output.

So this: #myquery.first name# does now work.

Here is how to solve this issue:

#myquery["First Name"][myquery.currentRow]#


Friday, November 4, 2011

Customizing JQuery Error Messages

Ok so I went on a wild goose chase to find out how to customize jQuery messages AND place them in a nicer area on the page than the default which is somewhere that doesn't look good.

I had to dig around in Google land but finally pieced together a solution:

Here is my jQuery code snippet:

rules: {
institutionName: "required",
institutionAddress: "required",
institutionCity: "required",
institutionState: "required",
institutionPostalCode: "required",
institutionCountry: "required",
institutionLanguage: "required"
messages: {
institutionName: "Please enter the name of your institution",
institutionAddress: "Please enter your institution's address",
institutionCity: "Please enter your institution's city",
institutionState: "You must select a state",
institutionPostalCode: "Please enter your institution's postal code",
institutionCountry: "Please select a country",
institutionLanguage: "Please select a preferred language"
// the errorPlacement has to take the table layout into account
errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
if (":radio") )
error.appendTo( element.parent().next() );
else if (":checkbox") )
error.appendTo( element.parent().next() );
error.appendTo( element.parent().next() );



Now let's explain:

1. In the code snippet above, step1 is the NAME of my form.

2. In the RULES piece of the code, these are all of the fields that I would like to be required.

3. the MESSAGES piece is "What do I want the user to see when he/she gets the required alert

4. ERROR PLACEMENT - this places the error message into the NEXT element.

Ok so here is part of my form:

<td class="label"> <span class="alerttext4"> *</span>
<label id="institutionName" for="institutionName"> Name of Institution</label> </td>
<td class="field"> <input id="institutionName" size="45" name="institutionName" type="text" value="#form.institutionName#" /> </td>
<td class="status"> </td>

See that last little TD that has nothing in it: <td class="status"> </td> - that is where the error message will be displayed. Nice and neatly placed on the right side of the field.


Let me know how it works out for you!

CF Programming Woes

02/2018 - Update - I will also post snippets that I think can be useful to others, not just ones I had trouble with.

I am a Coldfusion programmer and decided to do this blog because when I get stuck on a code issue, I search the internet OVER for solutions and 1 of 2 things happen:

1. No one has posted a solution
2. Someone has posted a solution BUT DON'T TAKE TWO SECONDS TO POST THE ENTIRE CODE TO FIX IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Yes I am yelling because I HATE that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Ok, calming down....gaining composure....

SO, this blog will consist of all of the programming issues I ran into that took 20 years to solve...but I finally figured it out. Feel free to post comments, add to my solution OR post idiotic thoughts like most idiots do on blogs *BIG GOOFY SMILE*

Oh, I have been a CF programmer for 14 years and love it!
